This is an invitation to join us in learning what it means to work with the goddess today…

The Goddess Way

the workshop


An overview of the historical significance of matriarchal cults and goddess worship in antiquity… a thread that will lead us to our dual Mothers, Lilith and Eve.

WHO IS THE goddess?

We will follow that thread through the second wave of feminism that re-introduced the Goddess concept to fiery women ready to reclaim their path.


Whether you are seeking an actual deity in which to connect - or to access the divine feminine energy dwelling within us all - WHAT the Goddess is, is entirely up to you.

join us


and more.

Additionally, the course will provide tools and a clear path on how to find your matron Goddess. 

We will uncover your own souls journey to create ritual and connection with the Goddess who has been awaiting your call.

we shall close the day with A discussion and open forum around the idea of what the goddess path means to you. 

After this

a Foundation to build upon

You’ll have the insight you need to craft your own path into the world of The Goddess. Additionally, you will receive a digital .pdf with recommended readings to dig deeper.

Confidence to trust youself

The path allows you to hone your intuition and inner truth… creating a sense of self-confidence in who you are truly meant to be.

early access

This is the second of our Way of the Siren Workshops and your participation in this class will grant you early access to the full Workshop calendar. See a sneak peek below.



Upcoming workshops include…

Creating Altars and Sacred Spaces : June 2024

Learning to Craft Your Own Spells : July 2024

Creating Amulets : August 2024

Jen CK Jacobs


Age of Sirens was founded in 2019 (originally as Age of Sail) by Jen CK Jacobs. 

With over 30 years of extensive study around spiritualism, mythology and art history, Jen loves working with women/femmes to reconnect to the power of the primordial Goddess.

She also fancies herself an Amulet Witch - finding her sorcery in creating powerful Amulets and Talismans for her clients. 

Wander into the world of the goddess and uncover the true magic that’s been hiding inside you